Quebec Motorcycle Test 03

The Quebec Motorcycle Knowledge Test covers a wide range of road rules that all riders must know. From speed limits to right-of-way rules, our practice questions will help you understand and remember these important regulations. We also provide detailed explanations for each answer so you can fully grasp the reasoning behind each rule. With our resources, you can confidently tackle any road rule questions on the exam.


Quebec Motorcycle Practice Test 03

1 / 25

What is one of the leading causes of accidents in Quebec?

2 / 25

What is the best position to ride in during high winds?

3 / 25

Your eyes provide you with how much of the information you need for driving?

4 / 25

When you are stationary, your field of vision usually covers a radius of slightly more than...?

5 / 25

If you continue to accelerate to 100 km/h, your vision gradually becomes concentrated on a single point located straight in front of you and your field of vision is reduced to...?

6 / 25

Is it okay to have another motorcyclist or vehicle travel next to you?

7 / 25

How many parts are in your field of vision?

8 / 25

You should pivot your mirrors outward far enough so that you can see...?

9 / 25

Which of the following is not considered to calculate stopping distance?

10 / 25

What is referred to as central vision?

11 / 25

What is the safest number of riders to have in a group?

12 / 25

Which of the following is not something you can do to avoid falling or losing control while driving over an obstacle?

13 / 25

What is the minimum safe following distance in the city?

14 / 25

As you accelerate, your field of vision gradually narrows to about how many degrees at 40 km/h?

15 / 25

Which is the best lane position for passing?

16 / 25

Does an anti-lock braking system reduce stopping distance?

17 / 25

Which part of the lane can have the most oil on it?

18 / 25

What is the safest position to be in when arriving at the top of a hill where you are unable to see oncoming traffic?

19 / 25

What is referred to as perception time?

20 / 25

You should divide the lane into...?

21 / 25

At 100 km/h, your field of vision is reduced by...?

22 / 25

If a vehicle is following you too closely, it is best to...?

23 / 25

What is the best position when travelling in the middle lane of a three-lane highway?

24 / 25

How do you compensate for any reduction in your field of vision due to your helmet?

25 / 25

What should you do if your visibility or the traction of your tires is reduced, or if the roadway is damaged?

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Safe Riding Practices

In addition to road rules and signs, the Quebec Motorcycle Knowledge Test also covers safe riding practices. This includes topics such as proper lane positioning, hazard awareness, and defensive driving techniques. Our practice questions cover these important skills and provide clear explanations for each answer. We also offer tips and tricks to help you develop good riding habits and stay safe on the road. With our resources, you can confidently approach any question related to safe riding practices on the exam.

Gear and Equipment Knowledge

Understanding the gear and equipment essential for motorcycle riding is another topic addressed in the Quebec Motorcycle Knowledge Test. Not only must riders select the right helmet and protective clothing for safety, but also know the legal requirements regarding motorcycle equipment in Quebec. Our practice tests include questions about gear specifications, maintenance, and legal compliance to ensure that when the time comes, you’ll be fully informed. This will not only help you pass the test but will also ensure you’re properly equipped for every ride, emphasizing safety and preparedness.