Ontario Motorcycle Test 04

The M1 test involves 40 multiple-choice questions. Don’t let the number intimidate you—each question offers four possible answers, but you’ll only need to score 32 or higher to pass. The pass rate is usually high for prepared candidates, so go in confidently after you’ve logged sufficient study hours.


Ontario Motorcycle Practice Test 04

1 / 30

When you are being passed by an oncoming vehicle or from behind, what should you do?

2 / 30

If someone is following you too closely, what should you do?

3 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? When passing parked vehicles, you should you stay to the left side of the lane because...?

4 / 30

When making a right turn where the lane opens up, which is the best lane position?

5 / 30

If your vehicle cannot maintain the posted speed limit, you may drive...?

6 / 30

Approaching an intersection where the curb lane remains the same size and you want to turn right, what lane position should you take?

7 / 30

When passing a large vehicle, why should you not cut in front too closely?

8 / 30

When passing the truck and feel a stream of air pulling you toward the truck, you should...?

9 / 30

What should you ride beside in traffic?

10 / 30

In the passing lane, what position should you travel in?

11 / 30

Always keep at least how much distance behind the vehicle in front of you?

12 / 30

In the right lane of a two-lane road, why should you be slightly to the left of the centre of the lane?

13 / 30

When you stop behind another vehicle, where should you stop?

14 / 30

What is referred to as a 'tire track'?

15 / 30

Why is the centre of the lane not a good driving position?

16 / 30

The distance between you and other drivers gives you what?

17 / 30

When passing the truck and feel a stream of air pushing you away from the truck, you should...?

18 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Stay well back from large vehicles in bad weather because...?

19 / 30

How do you know if the driver of a vehicle next to you can see you?

20 / 30

Why should you tap the brake pedal lightly to flash your brake light before you slow down?

21 / 30

Are you required to keep your foot on the brake, day or night, when stopped for a stop sign or traffic signal?

22 / 30

A proper following distance gives you time to react if something happens ahead, as well as...?

23 / 30

Why should you leave plenty of room when you are stopped behind a large vehicle?

24 / 30

Depending on traffic and road conditions, the best position in the lane is...?

25 / 30

On a freeway with three or more lanes, why should you not drive in the centre lane?

26 / 30

If conditions are less than ideal, such as in bad weather, what should you do when following traffic?

27 / 30

Is yielding to buses in a bus bay the law?

28 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Leaving space in front when you stop protects you by...?

29 / 30

If a large vehicle in front of you is making a right turn, why should you not move up into the space that opens up in the right lane?

30 / 30

When a bus in a bus bay begins flashing its left-turn signals, indicating that it is ready to leave the bus bay, and you are approaching in the lane adjacent to the bus bay, you must...?

Your score is



You did it—you aced the test! With your M1, you’re now legal to ride with a few conditions:

  • No passengers allowed
  • No traveling on 400-series highways or high-speed expressways
  • No riding between midnight and 5 AM

Safety is paramount for new and seasoned riders alike. Remember to follow the rules, wear appropriate safety gear, and ride responsibly. Your M1 gives you a great start, but there’s more journey ahead. After 60 days, you can book your M2 road test. Once passed, you’re on your way to becoming a fully licensed M rider.