PEI Motorcycle Test 02

Taking the PEI motorcycle practice test is more than an administrative step—it’s a commitment to the safety and enjoyment of the rider and those they share the road with. You can enhance your experience and knowledge of safe motorcycle operations through diligent preparation and focus on local regulations.


PEI Motorcycle Practice Test 02

1 / 30

What do windshields not do?

2 / 30

When driving a motorcycle at what speed can you steer by turning the front wheel in the direction you want to go?

3 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Loss of control or collisions occurs if the gears are used incorrectly when...?

4 / 30

Before starting out, which of the following is not something that should be checked?

5 / 30

Why should you keep at least one brake firmly applied while you are stopped?

6 / 30

For maximum braking in a curve, what should you do?

7 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Your eye protection should...?

8 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? The following is the best way to start on a hill...?

9 / 30

Do not wear clothing that may flap or balloon in the wind as this may do what?

10 / 30

To produce your inward lean, what should you do?

11 / 30

Downshifting as you brake will allow you to do what?

12 / 30

Take the motorcycle off the stand before you do what?

13 / 30

If you are going too fast when you shift into a lower gear, what can happen?

14 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? What can be done to make you more visible while riding a motorcycle?

15 / 30

As you turn a corner at higher speeds, your motorcycle is pushed outward by what?

16 / 30

Do not shift gears in a turn except...?

17 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Replace helmets that have been...?

18 / 30

How do you know the maximum speed for each gear?

19 / 30

To counter this outward push, you must do what?

20 / 30

At low speeds use of the front brake may cause what to happen?

21 / 30

Which gear should you remain in while stopped?

22 / 30

Should you rely on your mirrors before pulling away?

23 / 30

At higher speeds you must lean with the motorcycle and master the skill called...?

24 / 30

When braking, you should...??

25 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Things to remember during turns is as follows...?

26 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Do not wear shoes that are...?

27 / 30

Which gloves are best to wear while riding a motorcycle?

28 / 30

As the bike begins to lean in a turn or curve, you will automatically...?

29 / 30

How much braking power does the front brake provide?

30 / 30

Which is not a step in smooth downshifting?

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The Value of Preparing with a PEI Motorcycle Practice Test

Undertaking a practice test is more than just a trial run. It’s an opportunity to gauge your current knowledge, identify weak areas, and focus your study efforts. Beyond preparation for the written exam, practice tests help teach good decision-making skills and an understanding of safe motorcycle operations.

Improving Knowledge and Preparedness

Each question on a practice test serves as a potential learning moment. Incorrect answers pinpoint areas that require further study, directing your attention to problem areas. Through repeated practice and review, you can systematically build your knowledge of motorcycle safety and road rules, leading to a more confident exam-day performance.

Enhancing Road Safety

Preparing for practice tests isn’t just about passing—the ultimate goal is becoming a safer rider. Knowledge of the rules of the road and understanding best practices in various situations are vital. Integrating these into your mindset will result in proactive and responsible riding habits, making roads safer for everyone.