Yukon Motorcycle Test 05

Ultimately, the Yukon Motorcycle Test is a milestone that should be approached with the right mindset and adequate preparation. It’s not just about passing an examination; it’s about becoming a confident and skilled rider.


Yukon Motorcycle Test 05

1 / 30

As you ride, what is the minimum amount of space you must keep on both sides?

2 / 30

When you see a large vehicle approaching, why should you move to the right position and wait for about three seconds after the vehicle has passed before returning to your usual lane position

3 / 30

In ideal conditions, how long does it take most motorcycles stopped at an intersection to turn left and get your speed up to 50 km/h?

4 / 30

Why should you not ride in the same lane next to another motorcycle?

5 / 30

How can you tell if the truck ahead of you is slowing down, even when they are not showing brake lights?

6 / 30

Do you have certain legal responsibilities if other drivers have a crash because of something you do?

7 / 30

If you are riding behind a fire truck, what is the minimum distance you must stay behind them?

8 / 30

Which of the following is not a reason to communicate?

9 / 30

What is lane splitting?

10 / 30

In ideal conditions, how long does it take most motorcycles stopped at an intersection to turn right and get your speed up to 50 km/h?

11 / 30

If you see a truck starting to slow down well before a red light, why should you never cut in front?

12 / 30

Riding toward the front of a large truck can cause turbulence that can cause you to...?

13 / 30

Which statement is false? You must yield to pedestrians...?

14 / 30

If you're in the lane nearest to the stopped vehicle displaying flashing lights, you must also do what?

15 / 30

What controls crosswalks with flashing green lights?

16 / 30

Following a big vehicle can prevent you from seeing hazards ahead. You'll have a wider range of vision if you do what?

17 / 30

When approaching vehicles with flashing lights, you must drive no faster than what on roads posted less than 80 km/h?

18 / 30

How do you make room for a large truck to turn safely onto the road you're currently on?

19 / 30

What is the correct way procedure passing stopped vehicles displaying flashing lights?

20 / 30

When an emergency vehicle is approaching in the opposite direction with lights and sirens, what is the exception that you do not need to pull over and stop?

21 / 30

Before you enter the intersection, where do you look?

22 / 30

Large vehicles may throw spray or throw up gravel that could hit you or your motorcycle. How can you prevent that?

23 / 30

When approaching vehicles with flashing lights, you must drive no faster than what on roads posted 80 km/h or more?

24 / 30

Which of the following are not things to consider when deciding if a gap in traffic is big enough to cross?

25 / 30

Which of the following is not a strategy for going over obstacles?

26 / 30

If you are stopped at an intersection and you are blocking the path of the emergency vehicle, what could you do?

27 / 30

Which lane position that will make it difficult for other vehicles to move into your lane beside you?

28 / 30

Which lane position should you take before cresting a hill?

29 / 30

Why should you avoid being on the right of a large vehicle if there is a chance it might turn right?

30 / 30

In ideal conditions, how long does it take most motorcycles stopped at an intersection to go straight across?

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Practice Exercises and Simulations

Knowledge is half the battle – practice is the other. Dedicate time to perfecting your riding skills. Find an open area to practice low-speed maneuvers, such as figure-eights and U-turns. Invest in several hours of riding lessons with a certified instructor who can simulate the test conditions and give personalized feedback.